Saturday, August 6, 2011

The DownTown East Side - My Neck of the Woods

Every city has one, you can't escape it even if you wish to. Homelessness - its not fun - its not safe - but it happens. Some are down right bench dwellers, some are couch hoppers, but not being able to afford a safe comfortable clean home is not an option for some people.

Not all homeless are homeles bcause of the lack of affordable housing.  Some are homeless because the street is more appealing as a home then a building with four walls. Some even prefer the woods of Stanley Park, or the UBC Endowment lands. Some are homeless - young ones because of abuse at home and the street is actually safer - not by much in my opinion only - some are homeless because of the closure of Riverview Hospital for the Mentally Ill - so where did they think those people were gonna go anyway? If they could have stayed in the mainstream of society, they would not have been at Riverview - thanks all you politicians, you did good - NOT !!

Downtown East Side Vancouver is a community within a community. There's been tons of talk over the years on how to address the homelessness in this particular part of down town - yet for all the talk of this and that and all the affordable housing down there which is far and few between, no one stopped to ask the homeless what they wanted. No one stopped to look at WHY they are homeless  - and in reality, they  have a home, the streets.

There are lots of societies/organizations down there to supposedly help those in the Down Town East Side - yet they constantly struggle against each other for the few measley dollars the government at all levels hand out rather then come togther for the common good.

I see this every day when I go to work. and as much as I try to turn a blind eye to it, I just can't. Its not something I look forward to, but I can't help but notice the interaction of that community within a community. No doubt that community takes care of each other as best they can, but it can also be a mean task master - yes there are drug addicts, alchoholics, mentally ill, criminal elements in the DownTown East Side - I would not ranomly walk there an the few times I have had to, I've held my breath and could not wait  to get back to my own comfort zone. Yet that is what is is for the folks in the DownTown East Side - its their comfort zone.

Its is no where that I would want to live - and I hope in my retirement years that I can avoid this.

I know I would not want to work in this area either being the big scardey cat that I am - but my daughter works in this area and with the homeless and has done so for years. Its a job that can burn you out .. she is holding strong. I really admire her commitement and courage. She certainly did not get it from me.

Maybe one day this will be changed, and not because it was moved from here to another place, I've heard talk of sending "them" all up to Prince George - well if they wanted to be there, they would have gone long before, right?  Some imby with the NIMBY mentality no doubt.

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