Sunday, July 31, 2011

Kartmen - My Spider Hunter

I have this wonderful full of life big ole tom cat named Kartmen. He is my spider hunter, or at least when I was given him, that is what he was suppose to be. Turns out he runs from the bigger spiders faster then I can !!! Anyway my big beautiful black and white spider hunter is full of life and mischief as any cat would be.

Kartmen has always been my cat, forever. Even when my sister had him and I would visit, he would jump on my lap and curl up and go to sleep purring away - even my sister could not beleive it because she said he runs and hides from most people. Not me, unless we are playing tag lol.

He is my alarm clock and wakes me up faithfully every day, he knows not the meaning of weekends or sleep ins. He only knows that for the most part I am up at a certain hour and together we do my back, hip stretch exercises for my back and hips  on the floor. Sometimes he joins me, other times, he ignores me. Most times, he plops down with his butt too close to my face ughhhh cats...

as you can see, he has white whiskers, and a white bib, what you don't see are his white paws, and underbelly which is soft as down. For the longest time any attempt to touch his underbelly resulted in a few scratches and believe me you, he has claws from hades !!!

He is full of life and recently we had a situation where he was acting unusual. I know my cat, and I know his personality and habits. He has never sprayed for the time that I have had him. So when he was imitating spraying, I looked it up an sure enough had to rush him to the vets because his dry food gave him crystals or so they say. 800.00 later he is much better, eating canned food only and has lost a lot of weight. He is do to go back to the vets next month, well actually I was suppose to take him before this but he seems ok to me except for the occassional throwing up of his treats ... lucky meee !!!

Here in the above pic is his bib and paws, his eyes are bright because he's been chasing his laser light, his favourite past time, and of course mine, its quite entertaining for both of us  - oh what a boring life I lead lol .

I can get him galoping along the hall way chasing this laser light to and fro .. not sure who has more fun, he chasing it, or me giving him something to chase!

Sometimes, he wants to play when I don't have time, like when I am busy getting ready for work - at these times, when walking by he will attack my ankles and then run, expecting me to chase him. If I have time, we will play a few minutes of tag. He chases me and I chase him.

His newest domain is the balcony of our new digs, and it has taken him some time to get used to it. The first time he ventured out, someone came up the walk and he high tailed it off of there so fast, I shook my head and thought, yup that is my spiderhunter, runs from things faster then me! Eventually he ventured out again and now seldom runs back in. On occassion I have to remind him, to stickhis head back in out of the bars, sometimes I think he is judging distance to see if he can jump.

There was once a squirel that crawled up the side of the building to the left - I thought for sure Kartmen was going to go for him, but there was other stuff going on at the time.

This morning another cat appeared, I know because Kartmen came in with a deep meowing and then went back outside. What ever that cat was, it was long gone and eventually Kartmen calmed down.

I can't imagine life without Kartmen, but one day it will come, he's already old - ten years, his birthday is May 2, 2001 - his original name was Panther, but he responds to Kartmen better.  He is already getting arthritice in his left back leg, I've noticed its tender at times when I brush him. I make sure I give him only grain free foods, and limit other things that could aggrevate the pain.

Our favourite time together is when we watch tv and we are both in the lazy girl chair,  I am brushing him and he spreads across my lap and starts purring while I brush him. Of course occassionally I've jumped out of the lazy girl chair and sent him flying - like the night James Durbin was iliminated on American Idol - sorry Kartmen, I was so shocked by that...

So that's my spider hunter, the one who runs faster then me when it comes to big spiders ! Did I mention the pink pet stroller I have for him? He hates it but if he thinks I am carrying him to the vets with those claws he has another think coming. He is ok once we get going and he can sniff the air !!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Knights of the Internet Realm

Its now, its here, its large, lik my type, so I can see what I am writing. The knights of the internet realm are gone, maybe they went with Arthur and the round table, maybe they found a better gig - but the knights of the internet realm are gone.

Or maybe they are off on a quest to make things better in this vast area of being. Maybe they have left friends and family behind to make it better for the future, maybe they, the knights of the internet realm are chasing the dragon, chasing the wild boar, or is it they have just become bord and found a new place to hang.

I am caught in the realm of the internet .. its gaming, its provocative seduction gets me night after night. I am searching high and low for my knight of the internet realm, yet I never acheive that which I seek. I follow the rocker, I follow the country star, I follow but no one follows me, I am ok with that. I am one, one is the loneliest number on can ever do. I am ok with one.

Where or where are the knights of the internet realm? Maybe tonite, they are at an American Idol gig rocking with the best rocker there is ... maybe they have a reserved seat on their lazy boy chair .. maybe .. a lotta maybes.

So my quest will continue, to find the knights of the internet realm. I know I will find them, I know they will be fantastic, I know they will be honourable, I know - yes I know.